This Screening and Background Check Policy aims to ensure the safety and well-being of our mentees by implementing thorough screening procedures for all potential mentors of the Mentor Me Now Foundation (hereinafter referred to as "the Foundation"). This policy outlines the requirements for screening and conducting background checks on potential mentors to ensure their suitability and protect the individuals we serve.
1. Mentor Application Process:
a. All potential mentors shall complete a comprehensive application form, providing accurate and up-to-date personal information.
b. The application shall include relevant background information, qualifications, interests, and any prior experience working with youth or in a mentoring capacity.
2. Personal Interview:
a. Each potential mentor shall participate in an in-person or virtual interview conducted by a representative of the Foundation.
b. The interview aims to assess the candidate's character, motivation, ability to interact with mentees, and commitment to our mission.
3. Reference Checks:
a. The Foundation shall contact at least two references provided by the potential mentor to verify personal, professional, and character attributes.
b. References may include former employers, colleagues, educators, or other individuals who can speak to the candidate's suitability as a mentor.
1. Criminal Background Check:
a. All potential mentors are required to consent to a comprehensive criminal background check as a condition of their involvement with the Foundation.
b. The Foundation shall engage a professional background screening service to conduct the criminal background checks, in compliance with applicable federal and state laws.
2. Additional Checks:
a. Depending on program requirements or the nature of mentoring activities, the Foundation may conduct additional checks, such as a sex offender registry search or a driving record check.
b. Such additional checks shall be conducted following the appropriate legal guidelines and restrictions.
1. Confidentiality:
a. All personal information obtained during the screening process shall be treated with strict confidentiality, following applicable privacy laws and the Foundation's Confidentiality Policy.
b. Access to this information shall be limited to authorized individuals involved in the screening process.
2. Reporting:
a. In the event that any unallowable information or concerns arise from the screening or background check process, the Foundation shall follow the Reporting and Disclosure Policy to assess the situation and determine appropriate action.
1. The Foundation shall maintain accurate and complete records of all mentor application materials, screening outcomes, and background check results in a secure and confidential manner.
VI. ANNUAL RE-Screening
1. All active mentors shall undergo re-screening, including a criminal background check, at least once every [insert time frame, e.g., 3 years] to ensure ongoing suitability and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
1. The Foundation shall ensure compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations regarding screening and background checks, including but not limited to fair employment practices, privacy laws, and guidelines for working with minors.
2. The Screening and Background Check Policy shall be communicated to all mentors, and they shall abide by the policies and procedures outlined herein.
This policy is effective as of [insert effective date] and supersedes any previous policies or procedures related to screening and background checks for mentors.
LaTonya Miller | President
November 12. 2023