The purpose of this Program Evaluation and Quality Assurance Policy is to ensure the continuous improvement, effectiveness, and quality of the programs provided by the Mentor Me Now Foundation (hereinafter referred to as "the Foundation"). This policy outlines the procedures and responsibilities for monitoring, evaluating, and enhancing the Foundation's programs to meet the needs of the mentees and achieve our mission.
1. Goals and Objectives:
a. Each program of the Foundation shall have clearly defined goals and objectives that align with the overall mission and vision of the organization.
b. These goals and objectives shall be developed in collaboration with key stakeholders, including staff, mentors, mentees, and external partners.
2. Data Collection and Analysis:
a. The Foundation shall establish a systematic process to collect quantitative and qualitative data regarding program outcomes and impact.
b. The data collection methods may include surveys, interviews, focus groups, observations, and other relevant tools.
c. The collected data shall be compiled, analyzed, and reported regularly to evaluate program performance and identify areas for improvement.
3. Performance Indicators:
a. The Foundation shall identify and track key performance indicators (KPIs) specific to each program to measure progress and effectiveness.
b. KPIs may include mentee satisfaction, mentor retention rates, mentee academic achievements, and other relevant metrics.
c. The Foundation shall set benchmarks or targets for each KPI to monitor program success and identify areas requiring attention.
4. External Evaluation:
a. Periodically, the Foundation may engage external evaluators or experts to conduct independent evaluations of program effectiveness.
b. The external evaluations shall provide valuable insights and recommendations, supplementing the internal program evaluation efforts.
1. Program Guidelines and Standards:
a. The Foundation shall establish clear guidelines and standards for all programs to ensure consistent implementation and quality delivery.
b. These guidelines may include program structure, curriculum development, mentor training, mentor-mentee interactions, and other relevant areas.
2. Program Monitoring:
a. The Foundation shall regularly monitor program activities and adherence to established guidelines and standards.
b. Monitoring may involve direct observation, periodic site visits, review of program documentation, and performance reviews.
3. Continuous Improvement:
a. Based on evaluation findings and identified areas for improvement, the Foundation shall develop and implement action plans to enhance program effectiveness.
b. Action plans may include staff and mentor training, curriculum adjustments, resource allocation, or changes to program policies and procedures.
1. Program Managers:
a. Program managers shall be responsible for ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and quality assurance of their respective programs.
b. They shall collaborate with stakeholders to collect and analyze data, set performance targets, and implement improvements based on evaluation findings.
2. Program Evaluation Committee:
a. The Foundation shall establish a Program Evaluation Committee comprised of staff, mentors, mentees, and external experts, tasked with overseeing program evaluation and quality assurance efforts.
b. The Committee shall review evaluation reports, make recommendations, and assist in implementing changes to enhance program effectiveness.
1. The Foundation shall prepare regular reports on program evaluation findings, including recommendations for improvement, and share them with the Board of Directors, staff, and stakeholders.
1. The Foundation shall ensure compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and ethical standards related to program evaluation, data collection, and protection of privacy.
2. All staff members, mentors, and stakeholders involved in program evaluation and quality assurance efforts shall adhere to the policies and procedures outlined herein.
This Program Evaluation and Quality Assurance Policy shall be reviewed periodically by the Foundation to ensure its effectiveness and relevance.
LaTonya Miller | President
November 12. 2023