1. Statement of Commitment:
a. The Mentor Me Now Foundation is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all children involved in our programs, protecting them from harm and abuse.
b. The Foundation recognizes its responsibility to prevent child abuse, respond promptly to any allegations, and support the well-being of all children participating in our programs.
2. Definitions:
a. Child: Any person under the age of 18 years.
b. Child Abuse: Any act or failure to act that causes or threatens to cause physical, emotional, or sexual harm to a child.
c. Staff: Paid or voluntary employees, including mentors and other program-related personnel.
3. Screening and Selection:
a. All staff members, mentors, and volunteers shall undergo a comprehensive screening process prior to engagement.
b. The screening process may include reference checks, criminal background checks, and interviews.
c. Only individuals who pass the screening process and meet the Foundation's criteria shall be permitted to work with children.
4. Code of Conduct:
a. The Foundation shall establish a code of conduct outlining acceptable behaviors and interactions between staff, mentors, and children.
b. The code of conduct shall prohibit any form of abuse, harassment, exploitation, or inappropriate behavior towards children.
c. Staff and mentors shall be made aware of the code of conduct and sign a declaration of understanding and adherence.
5. Training and Education:
a. All staff, mentors, and volunteers shall complete appropriate child protection training prior to commencing their roles.
b. Training shall cover topics such as recognizing signs of abuse, reporting procedures, boundaries, and appropriate conduct with children.
c. Regular refresher training shall be provided to ensure ongoing awareness and knowledge.
6. Reporting and Response:
a. Any staff member or mentor who suspects or becomes aware of child abuse or inappropriate behavior towards children shall immediately report it to the designated child protection officer or supervisor.
b. The Foundation shall have clear reporting procedures in place, ensuring that reported incidents are promptly and thoroughly investigated.
c. Support shall be provided to both the child and the individual making the report throughout the entire investigation process.
7. Confidentiality:
a. All information related to child protection shall be treated confidentially and shared only on a need-to-know basis.
b. Staff, mentors, and volunteers shall sign confidentiality agreements regarding child protection issues.
8. Support for Children:
a. The Foundation shall provide a safe and supportive environment for children to report concerns or seek assistance.
b. Regular communication channels shall be established to ensure ongoing interaction and follow-up with the children.
c. Referrals to appropriate support services, counseling, or legal assistance shall be provided when necessary.
9. Monitoring and Review:
a. The Foundation shall conduct periodic reviews of child protection policies and procedures.
b. Internal and external audits or evaluations may be conducted to ensure compliance with all related laws, regulations, and best practices.
10. Reporting and Legal Obligations:
a. The Foundation shall comply with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations regarding the reporting of child abuse and the protection of children.
The Mentor Me Now Foundation shall take all necessary steps to implement and enforce this Child Protection Policy, which must be reviewed and revised.
LaTonya Miller | President of Board of Directors
November 12, 2023